Dental Implants Earlsfield

Our implantologists are experts in replacing teeth. Using the latest dental technology we can help you achieve a beautiful, natural smile again.

dental implants

 Dental implants are small fixtures placed under the gum to work as the roots of a missing tooth. A crown or artificial tooth is then fitted to match rest of your teeth and improve your smile/bite. An implant can replace one tooth or multiple teeth for a healthy smile that looks and feels natural. Implants are a well-established, tried-and-tested treatment. Over 95 percent of modern implants should last for many years under the right care.

Implants can be inserted using a simple local anaesthetic. You will not feel any pain at the time, but you may feel some discomfort during the day or days after surgery. The implants need to integrate with the bone after they have been inserted, which takes at least 3-6 months. However sometimes implants are stable enough and artificial teeth can be attached immediately after placement or much sooner.

In most cases a healing cap will be placed to protect the area during healing phase and contour the gum. An implant temporary may be prepared to improve the aesthetics in form of a bridge or a denture.

Once the implant is integrated, an abutment is fitted to hold the Crown. The abutment and the base of crown may be made of metal however to achieve a more natural look in light. Particularly with front teeth we recommend abutment and crowns made of solid porcelain but you will be made awar of your implant crown options.

Like any other restoration, implants need the right care and cleaning to last for many years. We recommend twice yearly checkups and hygienist sessions in addition to your daily routine care as part of your implant maintenance.

If you wear full dentures, then you can keep wearing these throughout the healing period once it has been modified after  surgery.

Single crowns and bridges retained by implants will be fixed and only be placed and removed by the dentist. However if you have a complete denture which is fixed to the implants (balls, locators or bars) then you will be able to take them out for cleaning.